Can Drinking Coffee Lead to Weight Loss? 4 Facts with Scientific proofs.

Need an energy burst in the morning? A cup of coffee is what you need.

There are many compelling reasons to drink coffee,

Including the fact that it is one of the most powerful antioxidant sources in the Western diet.

Coffee has many health benefits.

Your morning cup of coffee is doing more than recharging you.

Although the drink is most known for boosting energy, does it help to lose weight? Let’s see what some studies are showing.


Coffee Contains Fat Burning Stimulants

Coffee Increases Your Metabolism

It Controls Your Appetite

Coffee Can Help Reduce Body Fat

Drawbacks of Drinking Coffee, That You Should Be Considered Before You Decide.

Coffee Hacks To Boost Your Weight Loss

Coffee Contains Fat Burning Stimulants

Coffee contains many biologically active substances, which can influence your metabolism.

Some of them are,

Chlorogenic acid: Coffee contains chlorogenic acid, a natural antioxidant substance. It can reduce the absorption of carbs.

Theobromine: It is the principal stimulant in cocoa. It is also found in coffee in smaller concentrations.

Theophylline: Another stimulant contained in both chocolate and coffee.

Caffeine: It is the major stimulant in coffee. It helps to raise your metabolic rate and increases your alertness.

Caffeine in your coffee keeps you energetic when you’re otherwise exhausted.

Studies show that it has boosted exercise performance by 11–12% on average.

Coffee increases your metabolism

Metabolism is the process by which the body breaks down nutrients and converts calories from food into energy.

As we know, caffeine is the primary stimulant found in coffee.

Caffeine can boost RMR by 3–11%, according to studies.

Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) is the rate at which you burn calories while you rest.

This increased metabolic rate helps you to burn more calories throughout the day. Whether you’re active or not.

According to Harvard Health Publishing. “A faster metabolic rate promotes weight loss more quickly than a slower metabolic rate.”

It Controls Your Appetite

Excess calorie consumption is a primary factor in weight gain.

Caffeine can momentarily lower your feelings of hunger and urge to eat.

Drinking coffee makes you feel fuller, so you won’t go for extra meals or snacks. Resulting in fewer calories consumed.

But remember,

The variety of food you eat, your amount of physical activity, and your hormones all influence your appetite.

One report published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition in April 2017 shows Participants who had caffeine 30 minutes to 4 hours before lunch had lower food intake. But It hasn’t been validated by other studies.

While there isn’t enough evidence to prove the effectiveness of caffeine in appetite reduction.

Some other studies have shown that it may lower the levels of ghrelin, the hunger hormone.

According to a brief study published in 2014,

Participants experienced improved feelings of fullness and lowered their food consumption. After only four weeks of consuming coffee every day, based on their ghrelin levels.

Coffee Can Help Reduce Body Fat

Fat burning is related to negative energy balance. This occurs when you consume fewer calories than you burn.

Either eating less or exercising more can help you achieve a negative energy balance.

Black coffee has fewer than 5 calories per serving, it is an excellent weight-loss beverage.

True that black coffee is low in calories.

But if you add things to your coffee like milk and sweeteners, you’ll also add more calories, sugar, and fats to it.

One study shows,

During a 4-week time, those who drank 250ml of coffee three times per day (about 1 cup) experienced a reduction in body fat.

This other study shows drinking coffee before a workout can help your body burn fat faster.

A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition in January 2021,

Found that a high dose of caffeine (30 minutes before aerobic exercise) increased fat burning.

This is why some diets encourage the consumption of coffee, like the keto diet and Weight Watchers.

Oh! This sounds like drinking coffee is a great idea, or is it really?

Coffee offers several weight-loss benefits.

But there are some drawbacks also, that you should be considered before you include it in your diet:

Coffee can cause problems in getting a good night’s sleep.

Coffee contains caffeine, which causes you to feel more awake.

Study shows,

Lack of sleep has been linked to an increase in ghrelin, the hormone that regulates appetite.

Which can lead to increased calorie consumption and weight gain.

Tip: Make sure you finish your last cup at least six to seven hours before bedtime for better sleep.

According to the Mayo Clinic,

Too much caffeine can cause health problems like anxiety, nausea, and high blood pressure.

It is better not to consume more than 400 mg of caffeine each day (about four cups of coffee).

If not managed, Instead of losing weight coffee can make you gain weight

It’s recommended to avoid adding calories to your coffee if you’re trying to lose weight. Many popular coffee drinks already have high-calorie content. The Mocha Frappuccino and Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks have 370 and 250 calories.

You cannot achieve a calorie deficit for weight loss if you consume more calories.

Key takeaways and some hacks to boost your weight loss

So how can you actually lose weight by drinking coffee?

Here are Some coffee hacks to help you increase your metabolism, and fasten your weight loss process.

  • The healthiest way to enjoy the benefits of coffee is to drink it without any additional cream or sugar. Black coffee has no calories and is high in antioxidants.
  • Sprinkle cinnamon in your morning cup instead of sugar-sweetened coffee creamers. Cinnamon has no calories and can enhance the flavor of your beverage.
  • Mixing protein powder into your coffee can add flavor and texture. Also, it can help you to get enough protein in your breakfast to meet your weight-loss objectives.
  • Add some healthy coffee additive booster to boost metabolism. As shown in this video.

Overall, coffee is an energizing beverage with a long list of health advantages. The drink’s low calorie and caffeine content may help in weight loss.

There’s some evidence that coffee can help you lose weight, boost your metabolism, and make you feel fuller.

However, it’s critical to keep track of what you’re drinking and how much you’re drinking. Consume low-calorie coffee beverages by reducing the amount of added sugars and fat in your drink.

Published by Shyna Stewart

Hello, I am Shyna K. Stewart, I am a healthy lifestyle enthusiast who is passionate to stay fit and healthy and passing on what I've learned to you. We're all on our own journey to feel healthy, confident, and happy. Let me help you to find the most ideal way to get in shape without starving.

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